Ancient Roman Theater: Comedy, Tragedy, Atellan farce, Pantomime

Roman regarded theatre almost as equal as chariot-racing and gladiatorial contests The two most popular variations were: Comedy & Tragedy Set the foundation for European culture & drama over other forms of ancient entertainment Romans were the only people of classical antiquity to adapt Greek literature into their own language Originally plays were written in…

Contributions of Ancient Rome

RELIGION Facilitated the spread of Christianity throughout the Empire. GOVERNMENT Democracy plus Senate (Members represented sections of society) LITERATURE Ovid: Metamorphoses, Virgil: Aeneid, Cicero: Rhetorical works. HISTORICAL WORKS Tacitus: Histories;  Julius Caesar: Histories of  Rome. CONSTRUCTION Marcus Vitruvius Pollio: “De architectura,” deals with urban planning, building materials, temple construction, public and private buildings, and hydraulics,…