Psychological Disorders

Historical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders The Demonological View Abnormal behaviour was claimed to be work of the devil Procedure called trephination drilled hole in skull to release evil spirits Early Biological Views Hippocrates suggested that mental illnesses are diseases just like physical disorders Believed that site of illness was the brain Biological emphasis increased after…

History & Causes of Mental Illnesses

Nearly two-thirds of all people with diagnosable mental disorders do not seek treatment. –Surgeon General’s Report on Mental Illness What is mental illness? Mental illness is a disorderly functioning of the mind Early Explanations Demonology-thought that an evil being possessed a person; use exorcism to cast out evil spirits (e.g. chanting, elaborate prayer, force to…

Mental Disorders: Types and Causes

What is “abnormal”? Mental disorders are characterized by abnormal behaviour, thoughts and feelings “abnormal” – any departure from the norm (different) Examples?? Pejorative connotation – characteristics we dislike or fear Behaviour is maladaptive Causes distress or discomfort, often interfere with people’s ability to lead useful, productive lives, make it impossible for people to hold jobs,…