Bessie Head’s The Collector of Treasures: Nativism, Class, and Discrimination

In an attempt to assimilate to a classist, discriminatory society, women and their families within postcolonial Botswana, struggle to survive in a male dominated environment supported by no one but their ambition to survive. Bessie Head’s The Collector of Treasures, discusses Botswana native culture, the classifications of society, AND the gender discrimination that cultivates the difficulties…

Essay: Canada’s Past and Present Discrimination Towards its Indigenous Peoples

Canada ­ as a nation we are known to the world for being kind, polite, and generally very accepting of all ethnicities. However, the treatment of Canada’s Indigenous population seems to suggest otherwise (Paquin, 2015). Throughout our history, we have shown undeniable amounts of discrimination towards Indigenous peoples. This, and more, has led to major…

Essay: Prejudice and Discrimination

In the modern world, there is a direct link between prejudice and discrimination.  Prejudice is defined as the unjustified negative attitudes that some people hold against others of a certain group of people. Prejudice can include attitudes such as sexism, racism, homophobia, and religious persecution.  Prejudices are pre-formed and have no reasonable basis.  Discrimination includes all…

Learning: Classical Conditioning & Operant Conditioning

Learning – process by which experience produces a relatively enduring change in an organism’s behaviour or capabilities Adapting to the Environment Behaviourists focus on how organisms learn, examining the processes by which the experience influences behaviour Ethology focuses on the functions of behaviour Adaptive significance – how behaviour influences an organism’s chances for survival Fixed…