Enzymes as a Biological Catalyst

ENZYMES AND METABOLISM Chemical reaction – a process that changes/transforms one set of chemicals into another. Chemical reactions always involve changes in the chemical bonds that join atoms in compounds. Reactants – elements that begin/enter the chemical reaction Products – elements that are produced by chemical reaction Energy may be either released or absorbed during…

Shapes of Molecules

The shape of a molecule determines many of its properties; For example: C4H10 is the formula for 2 separate molecules n-butane and isobutene Melting Point    -138°C                   -159°C Boiling Point     -0.5°C                    -12°C Enzymes—shape compatible with those molecules whose reactions they promote i.e.  the enzyme sucrase breaks down the sugar molecule sucrose The shape of a…

Enzymes: Structure and Function

Enzymes are specialized proteins that speed up chemical reactions (biological catalysts) Without enzymes, cellular chemical reactions could not occur fast enough to maintain life. Enzyme Activity: – enzyme binds to the reactants, called the substrate(s), of a chemical reaction – the substrate joins with the enzyme at the enzymes active site forming an enzyme-substrate complex…