The Importance of Being Earnest: Characters, Marriage, Comedy

CHARACTERS Algernon (Algy) – a figure of dandy; careless, likes to dress nice, leads a double life, in love with Cecily Jack/John Worthing – in love with Gwendolen, leads a double life, has imaginary brother Earnest Bunbury – Algernon’s imaginary friend; Bunburying – Algernon’s term for leading a double life Lady Bracknell – Gwendolen’s mother,…

Sexual Development in Adults: Singles, Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce

SEX AND SINGLE PERSON Sexual Development. Individuals continue to develop sexual identity and orientation. Some individuals continue to struggle with their homosexuality or bisexuality. People learn their sexual likes/ dislikes through experience. Some people seek out more sex with more new partners. Two issues about achieving sexual maturity: 1) Become responsible about sex (i.e contraception,…