Socialism: Ideas, History, Marxism

Key Ideas Many ideologies linked together by similar ideas drawn mainly from Karl Marx’s critique of capitalism Marxism Social Democracy Socialism Marxist-Leninism Anarchism Syndicalism Stalinism Maoism Feminism Reform liberalism *Note: there is no communist ideology, economy, etc.! Oppose capitalism because it is neither free nor just Capitalism is an unjust, exploitative economic system, thus generating…

Liberalism: Classical, Reform, Contemporary

Liberalism Classical Liberalism 1700s-1800s Locke & Smith Reform Liberalism 1800s-1900s Mill & Green Contemporary Liberalism 1930s- Keynes (1930s) & Rawls (1970s) Key Ideas Personal freedom – freedom from coercion Limited government – state serves & performs limited functions Equality of right – everyone must abide by laws, which must be applied equally and impartially Consent…