Earth Sciences Study Guide: Atmospheres

From Figure 4.2, describe the geographic locations where coastal upwelling is important (e.g., “west central and southwestern South America”). Upwelling causes some of the coldest surface temperatures on Earth. The low surface temperatures stabilize the overlying atmosphere, causing cool dry climates (deserts) to dominate the western edge of South America. Upwelling is important where coastlines…

Earth Sciences Study Guide: The Climate System

Through which city does the prime meridian run?             Greenwich, England What are the dates of the solstices and equinoxes?             Summer solstice: June 21 Winter solstice: December 22 Vernal equinox: March 21 Autumnal equinox: September 22 Describe Earth–Sun relationships in terms of orbit, the Sun’s position, tilt and direction of Earth’s axis as it…

Earth Sciences Study Guide: Atmospheric Structure & Composition

Of what two gases was Earth’s first atmosphere primarily composed?             diatomic nitrogen, carbon dioxide What are the percentages of Earth’s three most abundant constant (non-variable) gases in the atmosphere?             nitrogen (78.08%), diatomic oxygen (20.95%), argon (0.93%) What are the variable gas within Earth’s atmosphere?             water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen, nitrous oxide,…