Sex Psychology: Attraction, Love, Effective Communication

ATTRACTION Girl next door: You are most likely to meet and be attracted to or attract; people within your geographic and time range. Most people meet through: 1) Friends (1/3), School, Family and Religious Events. Repeated contact increases a person’s “liking” (Saegert et al) Mere-Exposure Effect; repeated exposure to stimuli increases our liking for that…

Sex Psychology: Sexual dysfunction & Sexual Disorders

Sexual dysfunction: problem with sexual response that causes significant psychological distress or interpersonal difficulty. Four types of Sexual Disorders: 1) Desire Disorder: hypoactive sexual desire, sexual aversion 2) Arousal Disorders: erectile disorder female sexual arousal disorder 3) Orgasmic Disorders: rapid ejaculation, male orgasmic disorder, female orgasmic disorder. 4) Sexual pain Disorders: dyspareunia, vaginismus **sexual disorders…

Sex Psychology: Sexual Response, Sexual Behavior, Sex Differences

Several Stages to sexual arousal: desire, excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution Vasocongestion: large blow flow into blood vessels (in this case genitals) Myotonia: muscle contact; not only the genitals but throughout the body EXCITEMENT Beginning of erotic arousal; basic physiological process that occurs during excitement is Vasocongestion In men..its results in an ERECTION, tightening of…