Britain’s Welfare State

The Classic Welfare State was initiated by the Labour’s Beveridge Report which aimed to eliminate the ‘five giant’ towards post-war reconstruction[1]. This essay will argue to a small extent the classic Welfare State promotes a more egalitarian society. It is because cost and benefit were not often equally shared under the system, within different socio-economic…

Essay: The Birth of the State and the Emergence of the Modern State

The state represents one of the fundamental topics of political science. Its analysis in terms of functions, nature, origins, and relationship which it must have with the social world, became the subject of reflection for political thinkers since the first manifestations of this type of analysis. Referring to the construction of Europe and to the…

Memory: Storing & Accessing Information

Memory – processes that allow us to record and later retrieve experiences and information Memory as Information Processing Encoding – getting information into the system by translating into a neural code that your brain processes Storage – retaining information over time Retrieval – the process of accessing information in long term memory Three-Component Model Three…

Physical and Chemical Properties

–          All pieces of matter have properties or characteristics.  All matters can be talked about with descriptive terms.  For example, describe the Johnson uniform: –          Scientists have grouped properties into two categories: physical properties and chemical properties. –          The properties you just described when talking about the Johnson uniform are what scientists call “physical properties.” …