How Stereotypes may Arise and Affect Human Behavior

The term “stereotype” holds many definitions. While Aronson et al. state that “stereotypes are widely held evaluative generalizations about a group of people”, the definition from Augoustinos et al. is that “a stereotype is a schema, with all the properties of schemas”. As one can tell from these definitions, a stereotype can be seen as…

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline personality disorder “is defined in the DSM IV, a manual used by psychiatrists to diagnose all mental disorders, as an AXIS II disorder which has symptoms of impulsively and emotional dysregulation” (Livesley 146). People with BPD have feelings of abandonment and emptiness, and have “frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, going to extremes to keep…

Genie the Wild Child Analysis & Behavior

Developmental Issues Genie is socially, cognitively and physically developmentally delayed.  Due to her severe isolation she has never learned to vocalize. Although she can visualize it is as if she has no sight due to the severe confinement she experienced. She displays physical oddities including walking like a bunny and spitting, due to her incapability…