Surrealism: Artists & Characteristics

What is Surrealism Surrealism, is an artistic movement stressing on the artists subconscious, where the artist focuses on their imagination, for imagery or to exploit unexpected juxtapositions. These juxtapositions are unexpected, because the appearance of the forms/subjects don’t look real, and oppose reality. In surrealist artworks, the subjects look like out their out of reality,…

Economics Unit 8 – Globalization: characteristics and trends

18.1 – 8a – globalization: characteristics and trends Globalization – the movement toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy People are buying more foreign products 16.1 – International Trade – absolute and comparative advantage Why nations trade Specialization is an important reason for trade Exports – the goods and services that a nation sells…

Plant Taxonomy: Summary & Characteristics

Defining Characteristics of the Plant Kingdom: Multicellular Terrestrial Embryophytes Photosynthetic (almost all) Eukaryotic 4 Major Groups 1.     Non-Vascular Plants (Bryophytes and Friends) No vascular tissue – therefore must rely on surrounding moisture and osmosis to move fluids through their bodies. Small in stature, and simplistic – NO organs (roots, leaves, stems) (Rhizoids = root-like structures…

Depression: Characteristics & Explanation

Clinical Characteristics DSM IV – for major (unipolar) depression, 5 of the following should occur nearly every day for at least 2 weeks: Emotional symptoms – sadness, depressed mood, loss of appetite, loss of motivation for usual activities. Somatic symptoms – insomnia/hyperinsomnia, weight loss/gain, tiredness. Cognitive symptoms – negative self-concept, low self esteem, apathy, self-blame,…