Sentence Components: Parallelism & Sentence Layering

Parallelism is the repetition of a grammatical structure to emphasize a relationship between ideas. Parallelism gives balance, focus, and clarity to a sentence. Parallelism establishes a pattern of repetition that writers can manipulate to create a vast array of rhetorical effects. Examples: Writers can reinforce and emphasize their use of parallelism by repeating one or…

Sentence Components: Periodic & Cumulative Sentence, Absolute Phrase

USE A PERIODIC SENTENCE In a periodic sentence, descriptive elements (or details) introduce the sentence, pushing the complete thought to the end of the sentence. This pattern proves quite effective for emphasis or suspense because the most emphatic point of a sentence is the end.  Periodic sentences are usually long, complex sentences, the independent clause…

Sentence Components: Adjective, Adjective Phrase, Verb

OPEN WITH AN ADJECTIVE An adjective describes or points out a noun or pronoun. It tells what kind, what color, what number, which one, whose. Adjectives allow distinguishing and specification. They add descriptive details. They also limit or make more definite the meaning of a keyword. Typically, adjectives immediately precede the words they modify; however,…

Sentence Components: Anastrophe, Apposition, Adverbial Clause

WRITE A SENTENCE IN WHICH THE VERB PRECEDES THE SUBJECT (ANASTROPHE) Placing the verb before the subject in a sentence is also known as a form of “anastrophe,” the inversion of the natural word order (subject-verb-object) which dominates the English language.  The following sentences open with adverbs or prepositional phrases.  Notice that the verb precedes…

Sentence Components: Infinitive, Present participles, Gerunds

OPEN WITH AN INFINITIVE Verbals make sentences more active. The English language has three verbals: 1.  infinitives 2.  participles 3.  gerunds. Verbals are half-verb, half another part of speech.  Verbals look like verbs, but they function as another part of speech.  Verbals are half-verb, half another part of speech. Verbals may function as 1. nouns…

The Respiratory System: Structure and Function

Function supplies oxygen to cells and removes carbon dioxide defending the body against invasion of microorganisms control the body’s blood pH Components: Ventilation (breathing) > inhalation and exhalation; take in oxygen and dispose of carbon dioxide External Respiration > the exchange of gases between the alveoli and the blood Internal Respiration > exchange of gases…