Simone de Beauvoir: Existential Ethics

The existential theory is a 20th-century philosophy that is concerned with the scrutiny of human existence in the world. The fundamental existentialist viewpoint is that humans exist first, and everyone spends their lives changing their nature and essence. Humans are conscious entities, and it is this consciousness that determines their existence. The second nature of the…

Daly Gyn/Ecology, Metaethics and Meta Patriarchal

Gyn/ecology is the title for Mary Daly’s third book that is considered the most radical of all her publications. Daly characteristically redefined old words or coined new ones with the intention of undermining patriarchal attitudes. She creates such words because none are available in the ordinary language to help her relay the meaning of what…

What is Feminism? Types of Feminism

What is Feminism? Feminism according to Luglio, 1970 is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing and defending equal, political, economic and social rights of women. In addition, feminism seeks to establish opportunities for women in education and employment. Feminism according to different authors stand as a domain to achieve a stand against patriarchy…

Dorothy Smith: History & Feminist theory

Born on July 6, 1926 in Northallerton Yorkshire England to Tom and Dorothy Place and her three brothers. The History Dorothy Edith Smith is a Canadian sociologist with a research interest in sociology and many other disciplines, including women’s studies, psychology, educational studies, and sub-fields of sociology, including feminist theory, family studies, and methodology. She…

Socialism: Ideas, History, Marxism

Key Ideas Many ideologies linked together by similar ideas drawn mainly from Karl Marx’s critique of capitalism Marxism Social Democracy Socialism Marxist-Leninism Anarchism Syndicalism Stalinism Maoism Feminism Reform liberalism *Note: there is no communist ideology, economy, etc.! Oppose capitalism because it is neither free nor just Capitalism is an unjust, exploitative economic system, thus generating…