Why Indigenous Literatures Matter by Daniel Justice: Summary and Analysis

Why Indigenous Literatures Matter by Daniel Justice is a piece of literature that highlights how Indigenous people create honest and truthful stories about themselves that include their faults, but on the contrary, colonized stories about them make them seem out of place. In particular, the author shines a light on how stories made about Indigenous…

Essay: Healing Power And Spiritual Benefit Of Storytelling

Indigenous stories share common-sense understandings and moral teachings; they function as spiritual and mental medicine. Storytelling is a widely practiced and celebrated part of Indigenous culture for connecting Indigenous peoples to their culture and spiritual identities. It serves to heal traumas such as cultural genocide, racially motivated hate crimes, various types of substance abuse, and…

Essay: Canada’s Past and Present Discrimination Towards its Indigenous Peoples

Canada ­ as a nation we are known to the world for being kind, polite, and generally very accepting of all ethnicities. However, the treatment of Canada’s Indigenous population seems to suggest otherwise (Paquin, 2015). Throughout our history, we have shown undeniable amounts of discrimination towards Indigenous peoples. This, and more, has led to major…