3-System Theory of the Cognitive Brain: A Post Piagetian Approach to Cognitive Development

Since the recognition of psychology as a discipline, scholars have developed various theories to explain cognitive development in humans. While theorists unanimously agree that every human being is cognitively special and unique, they have recognized that the development follows some general pattern, which is documented in various theories. Among such models is Jean Piaget’s Theory…

Cognitive Perspective on Learning

Generally, learning is defined as any relatively permanent change in knowledge, behavior and thinking skills, which comes through experience. Over the years psychology has played an important role in how learning and education take place, be it formulating the curriculum, instructional design, or policies related to education. Hence it is paramount to understand the learning…

Socialization and Social Interaction

Becoming Human There are two basic approaches to understanding how we develop our personalities – broadly defined as an individual’s relatively stable pattern of behaviours and feelings – and become members of the larger society These are the biological approach and the environmental approach, traditionally referred to as the nature vs. nurture debate o   The…

Psychology: The Science of Behaviour

Psychology = The scientific study of behaviour and the factors that influence it. Taking into account Biological, Individual and Environmental factors. Basic and Applied Science Two types of research: Basic research: Knowledge gained purely for its own sake. The goals are to describe how people behave and to identify factors that influence it. Research maybe…