Meiosis vs. Mitosis: Comparison

Comparisons Meiosis Mitosis Number of divisions Two Divisions. One cell Division. Number and type of daughter cells produced Results in the formation of four haploid sex cells (gametes) produced. Two diploid identical daughter cells for one cell division. Differences in chromosome arrangement In Metaphase 1, the maternal chromosomes pair with the paternal chromosomes at the…

Genetic Recombination in Eukaryotes: Meiosis

Sexual reproduction: production of offspring; union of male and female gametes Gametes: eggs and sperms cells in animals Sexual reproduction depends on Meiosis; specialized process of cell division; recombines DNA sequences, produces cells with half the number of chromosomes in somatic cells. (chromosome= reduction) Fertilization: nuclei of egg/ sperm fuse; producing zygote (# chromosomes typical…