Native American Religions

Traditions of violence relative to Native American religious values and customs have been widely misunderstood and misinterpreted throughout history.  Early stereotypes of the indigenous habitants of the North and South American continents depicted Native Americans as violent, unintelligent, and primitive in their use of technology and resources.   Few records exist regarding the nature of…

Slavery in the Early Settlements

The Origins of the Minority Groups in America Native Americans –       As the settlers took over the land, the Natives went through back- breaking work done on farms –       Conquistadors forced Natives to work for a tax –       Slave-like existence –       Working conditions in gold and silver mines were unsanitary, dark, cave-like –       Diseases spread:…

Green Grass, Running Water Character Analysis

George Morningstar. Like the man who he alludes to, General Custer, George Morningstar posses an American patriotism that borderlines insanity. His zeal for American superiority blinds him to different perspectives on anything pertaining to challenging America’s supremacy. His brutal abuse of Latisha and undermining of Native traditions could be an analog to General Custer’s motives…