Art Perspective: Creating the Illusion of Depth on a 2D Surface

Artistic Devices1. Position on the format 2. Diminishing size 3. Aerial perspective 4. Overlapping 5. Transparency 6. Linear perspective Position on the format:-Objects placed at the bottom of the page appear closer than objects at the top of the page. Diminishing size:-Smaller objects appear further away from the larger objects. Aerial perspective:-Objects in the distance…

Formalism: Literary Perspective

What is Formalism? Formalists focus on literary elements such as plot, character, setting, diction, imagery, structure, and point of view Literary works are studied as independent systems with interdependent parts Biographical information and historical data are subordinate/not as vital to the formalist perspective What is Formalism? For Formalists, the proper concern is with the work…

Sex Psychology: Theoretical Perspectives on Sexuality

Evolutionary Sociobiology: using evolutionary biology to under social behavior of animals (i.e humans) Certain sexual behaviours evolved because it gave ancestors an evolutionary advantage Natural Selection: best adapted will contribute more offspring Evolution: hereditable traits passed on Attempts to explain why we court each, how we judge appearance, emotional care/bonds Sexual Selection: selection that results…