Artistic Devices
1. Position on the format
2. Diminishing size
3. Aerial perspective
4. Overlapping
5. Transparency
6. Linear perspective


Position on the format:
-Objects placed at the bottom of the page appear closer than objects at the top of the page.

Diminishing size:
-Smaller objects appear further away from the larger objects.

Aerial perspective:
-Objects in the distance have less detail and fewer colors than those in the foreground.

-Objects with interrupted edges appear to be further away than those with complete contours.

-The object we see through the glass appears further away.

Linear perspective:
-Uses vanishing points to create the illusion. Parallel perspective has one VP (vanishing point).

Artists use a combination of devices to create the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface. Photographs help solve perspective problems and can be by artists to improve.

Still life drawing:
-Draw a horizon line (just above the middle of your paper).
-Use very light outlines to place your objects (you may need to erase them).
-It may be helpful to draw objects closer to you first.


What is perspective?
Perspective is a mathematical system.

One point perspective:
-The sides of an object diminish toward the vanishing point. All vertical and horizontal lines though are drawn with no perspective.

Art, Artists, Architecture and Music during the Renaissance

Vanishing points:
The vanishing point is generally placed at the viewer’s eye level as well.

Convergence lines:
Straight lines (diagonal) drawn to connect points around the edges of a picture to the vanishing point.

Putting it together:
Horizontal and vertical lines are then inserted to create a three-dimensional box. The sides of the box can also be colored with different shades to indicate the depth of the object.

Two point perspective


In a two-point perspective, the sides of an object vanish to one of two vanishing points on the horizon.

Perspective basics
The horizon line represents the line in nature where earth and sky appear to meet the ground. The placement of this line on the picture plane will change how the viewer sees the picture.

Vanishing points
Single points in a picture where all parallel lines that run from the viewer to the horizon line appear to come together. From a two-point perspective, these points are sometimes so far apart that they are off of the paper. The vertical line in the middle will be used to construct a box.

Art: Atmospheric Perspective, Implied Motion, Texture

Convergence lines
Straight diagonal lines are drawn to connect points around the edges of a picture to the vanishing point. They represent parallel lines receding into the distance and help draw the viewer’s eye into the depth of the picture.

The horizon line:
In perspective, the horizon is an imaginary line drawn across the picture plane at the viewer’s eye level.

Vertical lines are then inserted to create a three-dimensional box. Due to the placement of the horizon line and the corner of the box, we are not able to see the top of the box.

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William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team)
William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2024 | Creative Commons 4.0

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