Organizational Structure: Flat and Tall Structure

Define Organizational Structure An organizational structure is a system of how certain activities are directed down in order to accomplish the goal or task of a certain organization. The organizational structure is a hierarchy which identifies the job and function of each level. Flat Structure One characteristic of a Flat Structure is that it has…

Essay: Drug Trafficking and its International Impact

International Drug Trafficking is rated in the top five of the most common crimes and top three for the serious impact it has on people and the economy positively and negatively. The sources that have used have been peer-reviewed and each of them explains the different kind of impact International Drug Trafficking offers not only…

Frederick Winslow Taylor: Biography

Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) was an American inventor and engineer who is known as the father of scientific management (Mee, 2018). Scientific management is that kind of management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning (Robert, 2007). Taylor was all set to…

Essay: Benefits of a Sugar Tax in Australia

Introduction and problem Sugar consumption is a serious problem globally. In our current food environment, it is too easy to eat too much sugar. Major sugar intake causes health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and tooth and gum problems. Obesity, a huge problem in our society, leads to diabetes, heart problems, cancer, and other diseases.…

The Causes and Impact of Brexit on the British Economy

Brexit refers to the referendum where Britons voted to exit from the European Union and this had implications for both EU and Britain. The essay will explain factor which contributes to Britain exit which includes national autonomy, Britain was paying more and immigration. Moreover, Brexit had a more negative impact on the economy of Britain…

Null hypothesis, Alternative hypothesis, P value and Z test

Null hypothesis: is the claim being assessed in a hypothesis.  For a claim to be a testable null hypothesis, it must specify a value for some population parameter that can form the basis for assuming a sampling distribution for a test statistic. Alternative hypothesis: The alternative hypothesis proposes what we should conclude if we find…

Economics Unit 8 – Globalization: characteristics and trends

18.1 – 8a – globalization: characteristics and trends Globalization – the movement toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy People are buying more foreign products 16.1 – International Trade – absolute and comparative advantage Why nations trade Specialization is an important reason for trade Exports – the goods and services that a nation sells…

Economics Unit 7 – Macroeconomic policy

12.1 – measuring the nation’s output and income Macroeconomics – part of economics that deals with the economy as a whole and uses aggregate measures of output, income, prices, and employment Gross Domestic Product is one of the most important macro measures that keep track of nation’s production, consumption, saving, and investment. GDP – The…

Economics Unit 6 – Money, Banking, and the Fed

Unit 6 – Money, Banking, and the Fed Chapter 14.1 – The evolution, functions, and characteristics of money Federal Reserve System (Fed) – private owned, publicly controlled central bank of the united states Federal reserve note – paper currency issued by the Fed in use today The evolution of money Barter economy – moneyless economy…

Economics Unit 4 – Free enterprise capitalism

Free enterprise capitalism Voluntary exchange Profit motive Economic freedom Private property rights Competition – businesses attract consumers; consumers obtain the best products at lowest prices 7.1 – competition and market structures Laissez-faire – philosophy that government should not interfere with business activities Market structure – nature and degree of competition among firms in the same…

Unit 1 – What is economics

Unit 1 – What is economics Chapter 1.1 – scarcity and the science of economics The fundamental economic problems Societies do not have enough productive resources to satisfy everyone’s wants and needs Scarcity – fundamental economic problem of meeting people’s virtually unlimited wants with scarce resources Economics – social science dealing with how people satisfy…

Financial Management & Control

Management Financial management refers to the coordination of a business’s accounting and finance activities. Accounting: management tool used to record financial transactions to provide a summary of the business’s financial position. Finance: coordination of how a business funds (pays for) its activities Key elements include: Financial planning Financial control Financial decision making Business: an organization…

Britain’s Welfare State

The Classic Welfare State was initiated by the Labour’s Beveridge Report which aimed to eliminate the ‘five giant’ towards post-war reconstruction[1]. This essay will argue to a small extent the classic Welfare State promotes a more egalitarian society. It is because cost and benefit were not often equally shared under the system, within different socio-economic…