Biofuels Effects: Social, Economic, Political & Environmental

Political Subsidies and mandatory blending have created an artificially rapid growth in biofuel production, worsening some negative impacts. Existing policies have had a limited effect in achieving energy security and climate change mitigation and therefore need to be reviewed. Government incentives and support for biofuels have been largely guided by national or regional interests rather than a more global perspective. There is…


Global Warming: Effect on the Atlantic Conveyor Belt & Consequences

What is Happening? The Greenland ice sheet is melting. The ice sheet melting will result in less saline (less dense) water entering the North Atlantic Ocean and floating on top of it instead of sinking, causing less and less deep water currents to moderate the globe’s climate, especially Northern Europe’s. Deep water currents are mainly…

The Bubble Act: Its Creation and Effect on English Business

In the year 1719, the English public debt was an overwhelming problem that hindered the Parliament as well as the Crown’s ability to effectively manage England’s finances. The manner in which government taxes were collected was inefficient and they often attempted to collect taxes several years in advance in an attempt to gain control over…