Blood: Structure, Function, Components

Components: i) plasma ii) erythrocytes (red blood cells) iii) leukocytes (white blood cells) iv) platelets Plasma: o    55% of blood volume and is 90% water o    Contains dissolved materials which are being transported: o    proteins (fibrinogen), hormones, nutrients, waste products, gases Erythrocytes: o    Function: > to carry oxygen o    Structure: >  no nucleus, cytoplasm contains…


Proteins in the human body have a wide range of functions which include: Hormones (insulin, testosterone), Muscle Fibers (actin, muasin), Carrier Protein (Oxygen carrying hemoglobin), Structure/ Support (nails/ hair), Enzymes (biological catalyst), Membrane Transport (Na/ K pump), Cell-to-Cell Recognition, Antibodies. Structure Proteins are polymers made up of amino acid subunits bonded together by peptide bonds.…