Properties of Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids

Property Metals Nonmetals Metalloids Luster Metals reflects light from their surface and can be polished for example in gold, silver and copper. Nonmetals does not reflect light. They are not lustrous. Malleability Metals can withstand hammering and can be shaped into thin sheets such as foils. Nonmetals are non-malleable. Metalloids are not malleable. Ductility Metals…

Foundations to 600 CE Trade Routes and their Connections

Route: Indian Ocean Advantages: Changeable, predictable monsoon wids lead to reliable schedules; great variety and amound of goods can be carried via ship (emporium trading); seaborne trade usually faster than land routes Geographical Scope: East Africa, Arabia, Inida, S.E. Asia; canal between Red Sea and Nile would eventually connect Mediterranean Commerce: Aromatic (incense), spices, gold,…