Spices: History, Benefits, Ginger & Cinnamon

For many centuries, spices and herbs have played an important role in many aspects of everyday life including cooking or medicinal purposes. Currently it is used as an alternative to treat different ailments and bacterial infections. Medicinal properties of spices and herbs may vary considerably depending on their molecular structure. Zingiber officinale (ginger) is a…

Foundations to 600 CE Trade Routes and their Connections

Route: Indian Ocean Advantages: Changeable, predictable monsoon wids lead to reliable schedules; great variety and amound of goods can be carried via ship (emporium trading); seaborne trade usually faster than land routes Geographical Scope: East Africa, Arabia, Inida, S.E. Asia; canal between Red Sea and Nile would eventually connect Mediterranean Commerce: Aromatic (incense), spices, gold,…