What is Health?
-Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the —- absence of disease or infirmity
-Heath is therefore seen as a resource for everyday life…health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resource as well as physical capabilities

What is Wellness?
-An expanded idea of health
-The ability to live fully, with vitality and meaning
-Largely determined by the decisions you make about how you live your life
-Not a static goal but a dynamic process of change and growth
-encompasses 7 interrelated dimensions

7 Dimensions of Wellness

*these 7 dimensions interact continuously

Physical Wellness
-requires healthy eating, exercise, learning about disease, getting regular checkups, etc…
-influences quality of life and how many years you will live

Essay: Indigenous youth and mental health

Health Related Quality of life= a personal sense of  physical and mental heath . Requires a full range of functional capacity to enable people to work play and maintain satisfying relationships.

Interpersonal/ Social Wellness
->involves learning effective communication skills, developing the capacity for intimacy and cultivating a support network
-requires participating in and contributing to your community, country and world

Mental/Intellectual Wellness
-includes an openness to new ideas, a capacity to think critically and to learn now skills
-the ability to process and use information is one of the most important aspects of wellness

Occupational Wellness\
-a sense of personal satisfaction derived from career/career development
-involves attaining a work-life balance

Emotional Wellness
-includes optimism, trust, self-control, an ability to share feelings
-requires monitoring feelings, identifying obstacles to emotional well-being and finding solutions to emotional problems
-most clearly related to your feelings

Essay: Indigenous youth and mental health

Environmental Wellness
-personal health depends on the health of the planet (eg. Violence and pollution)
-requires learning about and protecting yourself against such hazards
-also involves taking action-doing what you can do to reduce or eliminate these hazards

Spiritual Wellness
-includes having a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give meaning and purpose to one’s life
-involves the capacity for love, compassion, forgiveness, joy, altruism, and fulfillment
-a resource for reducing personal stress
-some health professionals believe it is the core of wellness

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