Uh-Oh was written by Robert Fulghum, it is 244 pages long and was published by Villard Books.

This book is a collection of small stories pertaining to the life of the author, and also his opinions, thoughts, and philosophies. There are no specific characters that are through the book except the author. This is not a novel, but yet it does continue some of the ideas written in his previous books, All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten and It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It. Some people may ponder the author’s decision on the title, but it is explained quite thoroughly in the book. At any time you may pick up this book and read a section of it without having to read it from the start, and yet every story and idea in the book flows right into the next. The sheer simplicity and ease of reading is a pro, but still it is very detailed in every way. Here’s one thing though: if you didn’t like the style of writing in his previous books, chances are not much will change your opinion on this book from your opinion on the last. The style of writing is very laid back, sort of a Sunday reader or one that you can pick up in the bathroom from time to time.

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I enjoyed reading this book so much the first time I had to read it again. The second time was even better than the first, because of all the new things I could understand. I love how nowhere on his book does it say “New York Times Bestseller” because every other book on the shelf has it, but the author chooses to be different. He knows he’s a winner, and as long as the people know that, he doesn’t have to show it off. I also love that when I finish reading one of his books it’s like I’ve just been sitting right next to him for about 4 hours and had a big conversation. But that’s not all of what his book is. He’s a minister, so in his writings you can see traces of church lecture here and there, and there’s also an element of the book that everyone can relate to, you know, read something in the book that sparks an old memory, and say, “Gee, I can remember when….” If there is any author that is more inspiring, uplifting, or downright hilarious than Robert Fulghum, I’d like to meet that person and kiss their feet.

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William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team)
William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2025 | Creative Commons 4.0

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