Factors Affecting the Activity of Catalase and Amylase Lab Answers

Introduction Proteins (or polypeptides) are organic macromolecules consisting of amino acid subunits (monomers) that are arranged in a specific order and folded into a specific shape. These monomers of amino acids are arranged in a specific sequence known as the primary structure which is determined by the DNA of the gene coding that protein. Amino…

Protein Structures: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary

Proteins are the largest and most varied class of biological molecules, and they show the greatest variety of structures.  Many have intricate three-dimensional folding patterns that result in a compact form, but others do not fold up at all (“natively unstructured proteins”) and exist in random conformations. The function of proteins depends on their structure,…


Proteins in the human body have a wide range of functions which include: Hormones (insulin, testosterone), Muscle Fibers (actin, muasin), Carrier Protein (Oxygen carrying hemoglobin), Structure/ Support (nails/ hair), Enzymes (biological catalyst), Membrane Transport (Na/ K pump), Cell-to-Cell Recognition, Antibodies. Structure Proteins are polymers made up of amino acid subunits bonded together by peptide bonds.…