1) Function of:

Red Blood Cell: Carry Haemoglobin
White Blood Cell: Defending the body, removing infection
Platelets: Blood Clotting

2) 5.5 billion per male/ 4.5 billion per female

3) 7,800,000 per male/ 6,430,000 per female

4) 150,000- 450,000

5) Red Blood Cells, Platelets, White Blood Cells

6) No.

7) This is because they are missing the “Helper T cell” (aka Lymphocytes) which aid in remembering to fight of viruses the body have already been infected with.

8) Normal: Red Blood Cells, Platelets, White Blood Cells
Polycythemia: You can tell because they have a significantly higher red blood cell count.

Blood: Structure, Function, Components

9) Normal: Red Blood Cells, Platelets, White Blood Cells
Sickle Cell anaemia: You can tell through qualitative observations, the RBCs appear to be in a “sickle” shape.

10) Too many white blood cells: Leukemia
Too Few Red Blood Cells: Thalasemia
Too many Red Blood Cells: Polycthemia
Too Few White Blood Cells: AIDS

11)   Thrombocytopenic is a bleeding condition in which the blood doesn’t clot as it should. This is due to a low number of blood cells called platelets. People who have Thrombocytopenic often have purple bruises that appear on the skin or on the mucous membranes (for example, in the mouth). The bruises mean that bleeding has occurred in small blood vessels under the skin.

Oxygen/ Carbon Transport

12)   Sometimes people with blood diseases will have the same quantitative data as a person without a blood disease. Therefore qualitative observations are required in order to correctly diagnose the disease.

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