During the 1920s, there were many disputes that the League of Nations tried to settle however most of these couldn’t be helped and the League was left powerless. Despite this, they still succeeded in some cases.

Many times, during this decade the League tried to help and actually somewhat succeeded in their efforts.

An example of this could be Bulgaria, 1925. Following a conflict where Greek soldiers were killed on Bulgarian soil, Greece invaded. Bulgaria, once realizing, applied to the League of Nations and the League managed to order Greece to withdraw their troops.

Greece agreed to this due to the low amount of power they had and poverty that had already struck their country as they didn’t want to be in a conflict with the highly powerful members. They were successful with this issue because they banished the conflict without the need for war and instead just used their position of power to intimidate the opposing country into reasoning with what they were asking of them.

This leads me to think that the League was in fact not a complete failure in the 1920s.

The Failure of The League of Nations

Having said this, in the 1920s, the League of Nations failed to resolve many of the issues it faced. One instance where the league failed was Vilna, 1920, where Polish troops invaded the capital of Lithuania due to the large majority of the population being Polish.

The reason that the league failed in this situation was because France actually wanted Poland as an ally, so it refused to do anything. Therefore, this shows that the League’s position of power clearly wasn’t enough in some cases, proving it did not succeed.

Furthermore, the League of Nations also failed at several other points in the 1920s. Another example of this is The Wall Street Crash, 1929, where the American economy crashed and went into depression causing many countries to have nobody to trade with, further leading to people turning to extremist parties in an effort to fix it.

The League was not successful because they were completely powerless due to new party leaders being uncontrollable and willing to turn to extreme violence if needed, which is exactly what the League was against. Therefore, this agrees with this statement because the league had no effect on the conflict.

Wilson’s Points Implemented in Treaty of Versailles

Overall, the league of nations did fail more often than it succeeded in the 1920s. This is because the threat of intimidation was the only useful tool they had, and this was not enough in many cases.

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William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team)
William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2025 | Creative Commons 4.0

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