Maps are tools of the Geographer. With maps it is possible to see patterns on the surface of the earth much more clearly. It is very important that students of Geography learn to construct maps correctly and accurately. Here are the guidelines that you must follow when working with maps.
- A map is always accurate, neat clear and complete.
- Do all your initial work in pencil.
- Spell every word correctly.
- Shade or colour your work lightly, after the labeling is complete
- All maps must have a title that accurately describes the purpose and the location of the map. Titles should be underlined and in block letters with large print. E.g. Landform Regions of Canada.
- For any one type of information, the size and style of print should be the same. e.g. ONTARIO, MANITOBA TORONTO MONTREAL.
- All man-made features are to be printed horizontally ======è While all natural features such as mountain ranges and rivers may be printed in a way that demonstrates that feature.
E.g. Along the flow of a river or along the edge of a mountain range.
- Specific points such as cities must be indicated with a symbol – such as a dot, or star with the name of that feature as close to the dot as aesthetically possible.
- There must be a compass rose or north arrow, drawn with a ruler.
- Short forms such as BC or PEI are not acceptable.
- Whenever symbols are used in the production of a map, a legend is required.