
  • aggregated sense of self- importance
  • look for constant attention
  • fragile self-esteem and are vulnerable to the slightest criticism

Incidence in the population

  • 2% to 16% of the population in clinical settings have this disorder
  • in 1994, 18% of the students supposed to have narcissism
  • in 2009 when the test was redone, 34% of the students showed to have narcissism
  • 6.2% of the global population has lifetime narcissistic disorder

Forms of this disorder

  • Oral Narcissism
  • Central Narcissism
  • Individual Narcissism
  • Intellectual Cerebral Narcissist
  • Acquired Situational Narcissism
  • High Functioning Narcissist
  • Compensatory Narcissist
  • Corporate Narcissism
  • Cross-cultural Narcissism
  • Cultural Narcissism
  • Destructive Narcissism
  • Inverted Narcissist
  • Aggressive Narcissism
  • Conversational Narcissism


  • occur in the developing stages of childhood
  • lacking the admiration and love from a parent
  • one receives extensive pampering, extremely high expectations, abuse or neglect
  • depends on the surrounds of the child and their parents


  • Grandiose sense of self-importance. Makes their achievements seem bigger and better than they really are. Wants people to view them as superiors without them having earned the status first.
  • Preoccupied with fantasies of extreme success, power, beauty, perfect love.
  • Believes he or she is special and unique and only should associate with other special, high-ranking people whom alone can understand them.
  • Need too much admiration from others
  • Feel entitled to special treatments. Have unreasonable expectations and expect that others obey their expectations
  • Takes advantage of others for their own reasons
  • Lacking in empathy. Can’t put themselves or won’t put themselves in other’s shoes.
  • Often envies other people or believes that others envy them
  • Are arrogant, haughty in behaviour or attitude

Treatment & Prognosis

  • Psychotherapy
  • Family/group therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Anti-depressants
  • Meditation, education, and focus
  • Difficult disorder to combat
  • “Cracking the narcissistic shell”
  • Impact on the Suffer/Family
  • Detach from peers and family emotionally
  • Become self absorbent
  • Want to make others feel they are superior
  • No empathy for others
  • Causes many relationships to end

Community Resources

  • Online or telephone sessions
  • Canadian Mental Health Association
  • Large online community
  • Dattner Consulting
  • New York

Famous Victims

  • The Mirror Effect: How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America
  • Paris Hilton
  • Ben Affleck
  • Robert Downey Jr.
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • William Hurt
  • Oprah and William Hurt raise awareness

Relevant Information

  • 50% – 75% more frequent in males then females
  • Modern society acts as an influence
  • The Ku Klux Klan
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William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team)
William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2024 | Creative Commons 4.0

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