Factors affecting the absorption of alcohol

  • Body weight – greater volume of blood in a larger person keeps the blood alcohol level lower
  • Speed of drinking – faster alcohol is consumed the quicker the blood alcohol will rise
  • Food in stomach – food absorbs the alcohol in your body
  • Mix of drinks – alcohol and carbonated drinks speed absorption

–          milk and alcohol absorbs slower

  • Drink concentration – straight alcohol it absorbs quickly in blood stream.

–          alcohol and water absorbs slowly

  • Physical condition – under medication is easily affected than a healthier person

Why are teens at risk of developing substance use problem?

  • personal factors

–          mental/emotional well-being
–          personal factors(depression)
–          self-esteem and self-efficacy

  • behavioral factors

–          academic achievement
–          teens often use more than 1 substance
–          curiosity lead to experimentation

  • environmental factors

–          attitudes and values of parents and peers
–          advertising media
–          social and culture norms

  • physiological factors

–          developing brains and bodies are more sensitive to drugs

A drug is – any substance taken to damage how the body or mind works

Drug use is – ingesting, inhaling, absorbing or injecting a drug in order to change the way you think, act or feel without interfering with ones daily activities

Drug abuse

When the benefits of using a drug begin to replace valued experiences or responsibilities from before

Allergic Reactions & Allergies: Causes & Treatment

Why do people take drugs?

    • curiosity
    • feel emotionally pressured
    • feel pressured by people around them(peer pressure)

Problems from drug abuse

  • health problems
  • personal problems
  • social problems
Stimulants Depressants Hallucinogens Cannabis
  • uppers
  • they make you feel up or more energetic
  • nicotine
  • caffeine
  • amphetamines
  • cocaine
  • called downers
  • they make you feel calm or sleepy
  • alcohol
  • inhalants
  • sleeping pills
  • tranquilizers
  • heroin
  • all-rounders
  • they make you see things different for what is real
  • acid
  • dope or pot
  • come from the plant cannabis sativa
  • marijuana
  • hash

Factors that influence attitudes toward alcohol, tobacco and drugs

  • Family influences
  • influences of peers
  • availability
  • other
  • heredity
  • finances
  • religion
  • individual life circumstances
  • cultural beliefs and values

Drug use

Advantages Disadvantages
  • forget family for a while
  • deal with stress
  • rebel against parents
  • hurt body
  • get addicted
  • against religion
  • to be the “real me”
  • to imitate role models
  • bullying
  • may let friends down
  • lose friends
  • often friends change
Performance at work or school
  • stay awake
  • feel creative
  • focus better
  • cant sleep
  • lose employment
  • less motivated
  • control pain
  • control weight
  • stay awake
  • become unnourished
  • damage major organs
  • get infections easily
  • cost of purchasing drugs
  • purchase and use of various substances
  • jeopardize opportunities in the future

Substance use and abuse chart

cannabis alcohol tobacco caffeine
Description Smoked in pipes or joints. 3rd most popular drug used by teens Most popular drug for youth and teens. Made for grapes Crushed, dried leaves of tobacco plant. 2nd popular drug From a plant including tea, coffee. Most widely used drug in the world
Other names Hash, THC, pot, ragweed, dope Beer, wine, brew Smokes, sticks, butts
Short-term effects Get high and become more relaxed and talkative Person feels relaxed and may not be able to think clearly Pulse rate and blood pressure will rise Evaluate mood, increases amount of urine produced
Long-term effects Persons level of sex hormones may decrease Inflamed stomach or pancreas. Cirrhosis of the liver Be shot of breath and cough often. cancers Daily use in low to moderate doses = no harmful effects
Legal status illegal Legal ages to consume Illegal to sell if you are under aged No laws
Stimulant, depressant, hallucinogens depressant stimulant
author avatar
William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team)
William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2024 | Creative Commons 4.0

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