Canadian Code of Advertising: History, Society, Criticism

Canadian Code of Advertising The Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, which has been developed to promote the professional practice of advertising, was first published in 1963 The code sets the criteria for acceptable advertising and forms the basis upon which advertising is evaluated in response to consumer, trade, or special Advertising: any message expressed in…

East India Company: History & Development & Growth 1750-1776

A chartered company was an organization of merchants who were the recipients of a royal charter, granting them the exclusive right to trade as a monopoly in specific areas of the world.[i] The significance of chartered companies was their role in the development of colonization and imperialism.[ii] As the only domestic organization in their specific…

What is Sociology?

Coined by Auguste Comte (1798-1857), meaning the study of society- socius (being with others) ology (the study of) Henslin et al: “simply put, sociology is the discipline study of human social behaviour, especially the investigation of the origins, classifications, institutions, and development of human society on a global level” “the systematic study of social behaviour…

Socialism: Ideas, History, Marxism

Key Ideas Many ideologies linked together by similar ideas drawn mainly from Karl Marx’s critique of capitalism Marxism Social Democracy Socialism Marxist-Leninism Anarchism Syndicalism Stalinism Maoism Feminism Reform liberalism *Note: there is no communist ideology, economy, etc.! Oppose capitalism because it is neither free nor just Capitalism is an unjust, exploitative economic system, thus generating…