• ____ taught that the way to rule people and the empire is to “collect for them what they like, and to not lay on them what they dislike.”
    • Mencius
  • The teachings of Confucius are found in the
    • Analects
  • Li applied to people will yield
    • Yi
  • The “Doctrine of Mean” is a part of the Four Books.
    • TRUE
  • The “Ta Hsueh” teaches that rulers should govern by fear.
    • FALSE
  • The Chinese classic on rites that had been edited by Confucius is the Li Chi or
    • Li Ji
  • The philosopher Kao taught that benevolence is internal while righteousness is external.
    • TRUE
  • The legalist or realist school of philosophy is
    • Fajia
  • Those who believed that the problems of society would be solved by mutual love among its citizens are the
    • Mohists
  • ___ taught that “Man’s nature is indifferent to good and evil, just as the water is indifferent to the east and west.”
    • Kao
  • According to Confucianism, the problem for humans is
    • Disharmony
  • Yi is the personalization of
    • Li
  • Match the following Chinese terms with their English counterparts.
  • Ch’un ch’iu : “Spring and Autumn Annals”
  • Shih Ching : “The Classic of Poetry”
  • Shu Ching : “The Classic of History”
  • I Ching : “Classic of Changes”
  • Li Chi : “Classic of Rites”
  • Traditional Confucianism endorses rule by laws.
    • FALSE
  • Which of the following is not a part of the Five Classics
    • Analects
  • Confucianists call their earliest scriptures Ching (Jing)
    • TRUE
  • According to the Fajia, a ruler should rule by
    • Fear
  • Confucius taught that the ______ of good government prevails in the empire, ceremonies and music.
    • Dao
  • Xunzi taught that all people are born
    • Equal
  • The Master said, “I have not seen a person who loved virtue, or one who hated what was not ______.”
    • Virtuous
  • The Confucian Canon is made up of the Five Classics and the ___ ___
    • Four Books
  • According to Confucius, the ideal person is a
    • Junzi
  • Confucius _______ participating in religious ceremonies.
    • Enjoyed
  • Confucius taught that by worshipping the gods, one becomes a “superior man.”
    • FALSE
  • The principle of fellow-feeling or compassion is ____.
    • Ren
  • According to Xunzi, human nature is
    • Evil
  • The term for universal love is
    • Jainai
  • The Four Books of the Confucian canon are also known as
    • Ssu Shu
  • The Confucian term for reciprocity is
    • Shu
  • The Chinese title for the Five Classics is
    • Wu Ching
  • “Law” or “rational principle” is ___________, according to Zhu Xi.
    • Li
  • In his teachings Confucius mentioned Ti’en.
    • TRUE
  • The concept of ceremonies and propriety is called Li.
    • TRUE
  • Junzi is the goal of the Neo-Confucianists.
    • FALSE
  • According to NeoConfucianism, ______ is understood as the “Vital Force” or “energy”.
    • Qi
  • Like Daoism, harmony was an important theme in the teachings of Confucius.
    • TRUE
  • Match the following
  • Qi and Li : Zhu Xi
  • Propriety : Li
  • Human nature is evil : Xunzi
  • Jainai : Mo Tzu
  • Match the following
  • Kindness and filial piety : Father to Son
  • Gentility and humility : Elder brother to younger brother
  • Righteousness and obedience : Husband and wife
  • Consideration and deference : Older friend to younger friend.
  • Benevolence and loyalty : Rulder and subject
  • Match the following
  • Propriety : Li
  • Reciprocity : Shu
  • Love : Jainai
  • Human Heartedness : Jen
  • Legalists : Fajia
  • Jainai : Mohists
  • Around 145 b.c.e. we have the first Confucianist
    • Temple
  • Confucianism eventually included temples and rituals.
    • TRUE
  • Junzi is the goal of the Neo-Confucianists.
    • FALSE
  • Confucius taught that those who lived according to their station in society would be rewarded with a better rebirth
    • FALSE
  • Because Confucianism does not refer to the heavenly and earthly worlds, it should not be classified as a religion.
    • FALSE
  • The Fajia taught that the best form of government is one that is ethical and moral.
    • FALSE
  • Confucianist texts became part of the Chinese educational system during the _____ dynasty.
    • Han
  • According to the Mohists, the focus of government should be to ease the people’s pain.
    • TRUE
  • Confucius was born into a wealthy family.
    • FALSE
  • Like Daoism, harmony was an important theme in the teachings of Confucius.
    • TRUE
  • For most of his life Confucius was a failure.
    • TRUE
  • Xunzi taught that human nature was basically
    • Evil
  • According to the Realists, people are only interested in an effective government, and could care less if it is ethical or moral.
    • TRUE
  • Confucius rejected the practice of religion.
    • FALSE
  • According to Han Feizi, people only respect power and fear.
    • TRUE
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William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team)
William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing.
Confucius: The Analects Book Analysis
Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2024 | Creative Commons 4.0

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