• Tiamat was killed by
  • Marduk
  • The Babylonian god, Tammuz, conferred immortality on Utnapishtim and his wife.
  • False
  • __ gave directions to Gilgamesh to find the plant of immortality.
  • Utnapishtim
  • The goddess Ishtar is also known as
  • Inanna
  • In a public festival the king of the city of Uruk becomes the husband of
  • Inanna
  • Utnapishtim sought immortality after the death of his friend, Enkidu
  • Inanna was the goddess who descended into the underworld.
  • TRUE
  • The earliest gods of Mesopotamia were originally the forces of
  • Nature
  • Hammurabi received his laws from
  • Shamash
  • The king of Uruk who went on a quest for immortality was
  • Gilgamesh
  • The term “Mesopotamia” refers to the land between the Euphrates and the Jordan rivers
  • Because __ was a devout man, the gods warned him of a great flood.
  • Utnapishtim
  • One of the public festivals was actually a sacred
  • Marriage
  • According to Babylonian myths, salt water was personified as
  • Tiamat
  • The Babylonian god, Tammuz, conferred immortality on Utnapishtim and his wife.
  • Public forms of worship at festivals centered around
  • Dramas
  • According to the Babylonians, pestilence and suffering came from rats and frogs.
  • The replacement for Inanna in the underworld was
  • Dumuzi
  • The god Ea helped in the creation of human beings by using the blood of a god, named
  • Kingsu
  • The hero of the Enuma Elish is
  • Marduk
  • The Sumerians believed that pestilences and pandemics occurred when the population of Kigal was low.
  • TRUE
  • The religions and myths of the Mesopotamians are important because they lie behind many of the myths and religious beliefs of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.
  • TRUE
  • The Mesopotamian underworld is protected by five city walls with a demon at each gate.
  • With archaic religions, we now have some religions that are not tribal or national.
  • Perhaps the earliest attempt at monotheism occurred in Ancient Egypt.
  • TRUE
  • The Sumerians believed in a primordial garden that contained the tree of life.
  • TRUE
  • The biblical story of Noah is based on the Sumerian story of Utnapishtim.
  • TRUE
  • The Amorites (Amurru) were NW Semites who migrated into Mesopotmia.
  • TRUE
  • The Sumerians and Babylonians believed that the gods only reward you in life, not in death.
  • TRUE
  • When Inanna descended into the underworld, she was killed by her sister.
  • TRUE
  • Marduk became the king of the gods because he slew Tiamut and Kingu.
  • TRUE
  • Entrance into Kigal is based on whether you were properly buried.
  • TRUE
  • The Babylonians believed that by honoring and obeying the gods, they would be rewarded in the underworld.
  • According to the Sumerians, what animates us is the blood of a god.
  • TRUE
  • The story of Sargon is based on the story of Moses.
  • According to the Sumerians, Inanna and Enki created the first human beings.
  • TRUE
  • According to the Sumerians, some babies are born with defects so that those who were born ‘whole’ would thank the gods.
  • Eventually people in the underworld of the Mesopotamians will die.
  • TRUE
  • The name of the Mesopotamian underworld is
  • Kigal
  • The Sumerians believed in a primordial garden that contained the tree of life.
  • TRUE

Match the following

  • Nirrti : Enki’s ribs
  • Dilmun : Location of the first human beings.
  • Enki : Fresh water
  • Enlil : Power behind the throne of the city-kings.
  • Anu : Sky god.
  • Nergal : Underworld of the dead
  • The husband of Ereshkigal was Dumuzi.
  • Dumuzi was eventually sent to the underworld of the dead as the replacement for Inanna.
  • TRUE
  • With archaic religions, we now have some religions that are not tribal or national.
  • According to the Mesopotmians, what resides inthe undeworld is your etemmu, which is your soul.
  • The Amorites (Amurru) were NW Semites who migrated into Mesopotmia.
  • TRUE
  • The name “Amorite” means “Easterner”.
  • The Sumerians and Babylonians believed that the gods only reward you in life, not in death.
  • TRUE
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William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team)
William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2024 | Creative Commons 4.0

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