Daycare or child care is caring for a child during the day. Daycare for kids typically refers to a child care facility that parents take their children to during the daytime for care, supervision, and learning. Daycare centers specialize in the care of infants through pre-schoolers and school-aged children as well. In the contemporary world, the problem of daycare has been brought to public attention.

A large of citizens believe that attending a daycare center can be a positive experience for children. While others claim that some daycare centers remain unsafe. Thus, daycare is a controversial issue.

Some parents may not feel safe leaving their child in a daycare center because they fear about safety and emotional abuse of a child. The first example is that some families lose their precious children. This tragedy happens in Houston and the fire kills three children and sends four others to the hospital. Ms. Tata, who planned this manslaughter and child abandonment, is arrested.

However, Ukera, a victim’s mother thinks an arrest will not bring back her baby and other kids, she says,” these kids were so precious and innocent” (Willis, 2011). Daycare originally is a perfect place where most parents find comfort in leaving their child while they go to work, but this tragedy makes many parents start to fear qualities of staff are not good, even extremes in mood and behavior.

The second example tells that a Hamilton man who works at a Burlington daycare has been charged with sexual offenses after an alleged incident involving a three-year-old girl. Arkell, who owns the center says,” parents are obviously concerned for the safety of their children, as well we. Actually, he was a very good

teacher. We are obviously absolutely shocked that this happens” (Brown, 2009). Individuals working in daycare are simply doing their job. Sometimes they cannot make sure that kids do not get into trouble. In this case, the owner of the daycare center is not managing her staff well. The staff is involved in inappropriate touching with the female child, she does not know it.

Daycare also has an advantage. On the one hand, staff at good daycare centers is usually trained in early childhood education so they know to expect from kids developmentally and are able to nurture their growing skills accordingly.

The first example is that the provider of daycare teaches the kids to wash their hands in order to maintain their health through some funny ways. ARA(2010) presents that wash hands can seem like a simple act, keeping hands clean is a very important step to avoid getting sick. However, some kids often forget to wash their hands. So daycare center’s teachers use some funny ways to make kids wash their hands carefully. They teach kids to sing and wash their hands at the same time. The song takes 20 seconds to sing. This can be an easy timer for scrubbing those hands, fingers, and nails.

This approach not only makes kids happy but also teaches them to have a good habit. Good daycare centers include a nice mix of activities during the day to teach different skills, such as sing and dancing. These activities make kids more confident and outgoing. Preidt( 2011) presents that high-quality child care can help reduce the risk of emotional and behavior problems in children from difficult home environments.

The children in difficult home environments have some social-emotional problems, such as being fearful or being less friendly to other children. However, high-quality daycare uses many activities to help them overcome their fear and encourage them to integrate into groups. Thus, daycare teaches kids to be overall development people.

On the other hand, some parents do not send their kids to daycare centers because they think daycares are a pretty dangerous place to become infected. However, a new study claims early daycare links to fewer infections after age 5. Gupta (2010) presents that research, which shows how often children suffer respiratory, ear, or gastrointestinal infections during their early preschool (up to age 2½), late preschool (3½ to 4½), and early elementary school (age 5-8) years.

The research found that the children who are care for at home are often more likely to get infected than the kids under the age of 2 who spend more than 10 hours a week surrounded by more than seven other children in a daycare. Sylvana Cote of the University of Montreal suggested that being sick might help build a kid’s immunity.

The kid, who often stay at home, like flowers nurtured in greenhouses cannot withstand the cold winter. On the contrary, the kids, who stay at a daycare center during early preschool, may have more chance infected. However, when they go to early elementary school, their strong immunity makes them less sick. Therefore, send kids to daycare might be no dangerous thing.

Currently, parents whether or not send their kids to daycare center being the focus of concern topic. Actually, daycares have some advantages and disadvantages. Some Daycare of daycare centers have safety issues, but daycare centers also exercise the children’s body and mind. In conclusion, daycare is good for children.


ARA(2010,December) .Fun Ways to Teach Kids Good Hygiene Habits. Click2houston. Updated 03, April, 2011. <>

Brown, D. (2009, July). Day-care worker faces sex charges. Thespec. Updated 03, April,2011.<–day-care-worker-faces-sex-charges>

Gupta, R. (2010, December). Early daycare infection helps build kids immunity. Knowabouthealth.Updated03,April,2011.<>

Robert P. (2011, Feb, 4). Good Child Care May Help Make Up for Troubled Homes. Medicinenet.Updated03,April,2011.<>

Willis, C. (2011, March). Houston Nigerians Host Vigil for Day Care Children. HoustonNewsOnline.Updated03,April,2011.<>

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William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team)
William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2024 | Creative Commons 4.0

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