

  • Your weight on Mercury would be 38% of your weight on Earth.
  • Mercury is the second densest planet. Earth is the only one with a higher density.
  • Mercury has a molten core, unlike other inner planets.
  • Mercury has the most craters of any planet, and the Caloris Basin is the largest impact crater on Mercury covering approximately 1,550 km in diameter.
  • Although it is closer to the sun, Mercury is still the second hottest planet.


  • A day on Venus is longer than a year, and it’s the longest rotation of any planet in the Solar System
  • Venus is the only planet that spins clockwise on its axis.
  • Venus is actually upside down! This must have happened due to a collision early in its life, and it’s why Venus spins clockwise.
  • Venus is the second brightest natural object after the Moon in the night sky.
  • Venus has 90 times the atmospheric pressure of Earth; that is the same pressure at a depth of 1 kilometre in Earth’s oceans.


  • Earth bulges at its diameter at about 0.3% longer, due to rotation.
  • Earth’s molten iron core creates a magnetic field
  • Earth’s atmosphere extends to a distance of 10,000
  • There are 2 additional asteroids locked into a co-orbital orbit with Earth called 3753 Cruithne and 2002 AA29
  • Earth has tectonic plates that are always on the move and they provide a sort of land on the magma


  • Mars’s gravity is 38% of Earth’s
  • Mars’s atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide and only traces of nitrogen and argon.
  • Mars has 2 moons called Phobos and Deimos.
  • Mars has the tallest volcano known on a planet in a solar system Olympus Mons, which is 16 miles high.
  • Mars has methane in its atmosphere, a sign of biological activity.
What can we see in the sky? Star Constellations


  • Many astronomers call Jupiter a failed star though it would need 70 times its current mass to ignite a nuclear fusion process and become a star.
  • Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the Solar System, regardless of being the largest
  • The surface clouds on Jupiter are just 50 kilometres thick.
  • Jupiter has 67 moons, Ganymede is the largest.
  • Jupiter has a faint ring system around it, made from comets and asteroids, and dust particles.


  • Saturn is the most distant planet to be seen with the naked eye from Earth.
  • Saturn is mostly made of hydrogen, and it gets denser farther into the planet.
  • Saturn has the most extensive rings in the solar system that stretch out more than 127,000 km from the planet
  • Saturn has the most moons of any planet in the solar system.
  • Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system, and it is actually less dense than water, meaning it would float in a pool of water!


  • Known as the “sideways planet” because it rotates on its side, most likely due to a collision early in its life.
  • Coldest planet in the solar system, as its core no longer radiates much energy.
  • Uranus is the second least dense planet in the solar system.
  • Uranus has only been visited once ever by NASA’s Voyager 2 in a high-speed flyby.
  • Uranus orbits around the Sun fully every 84 Earth years!


  • Neptune has the strongest winds in the solar system, reaching 2,100 kph.
  • Neptune’s largest moon Triton orbits Neptune backwards compared to its other moons.
  • Neptune is the smallest of the gas giant planets, though despite being smaller than Uranus, it has a greater mass.
  • Neso is Neptune’s most outer moon, and it orbits the planet much further than any other moon in the solar system.
  • Since Neptune’s discovery in 1846, it completed its first orbit in 2011, as it orbits the Sun every 165 Earth years!
The Planets of the Solar System


1815. “10 Interesting Facts About Mars.” Universe Today, 4 Apr. 2016,

Choi, Charles. “Planet Mercury: Facts About the Planet Closest to the Sun.” Space.Com, 14 Oct. 2017,

Mars.Nasa.Gov. “Mars Facts.” NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, Accessed 13 May 2021.

Matt Williams “Ten Interesting Facts About Uranus.” Universe Today, 12 Jan.


Pappas, Stephanie. “50 Interesting Facts About Earth.” Livescience.Com, 23 Mar. 2016,

Space Facts “Saturn Facts 🪐 – Interesting Facts about Planet Saturn.” Space Facts, 25 Feb. 2021,

Space Facts. “Jupiter Facts – Interesting Facts about Planet Jupiter.” Space Facts, 24 Apr. 2020,

Space Facts. “Neptune Facts – Interesting Facts about Planet Neptune.” Space Facts, 8 Oct. 2020,

Space Facts. “Uranus Facts – Interesting Facts about Planet Uranus.” Space Facts, 8 Oct. 2020, “Jupiter Facts: Interesting Facts about Planet Jupiter •.” The Planets, 14 Aug. 2017,

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William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team)
William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2024 | Creative Commons 4.0

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