Name of Colony | Date Founded | Reason For Colony’s Establishment | Founder | Primary Economic Base |
Plymouth (Massachusetts) | 1620 | Separatists who desired to remain separate from the Anglican Church went to Plymouth | William Bradford | Agriculture(fishing, corn), Manufacturing (lumbering, shipbuilding) |
Salem (Massachusetts) | 1630 | English society was corrupt and as many people needed to be evacuated as possible | John Winthrop | Agriculture(fishing, corn), Manufacturing (lumbering, shipbuilding) |
New Hampshire (fishing village) | 1623 | To establish a fishing village | John Mason | Agriculture (Fish) |
Exeter (New Hampshire, official discovery) | 1638 | Founded by John Wheelright who was banished for defending his outlawed sister Anne Hutchinson | John Wheelright | Agriculture (potatoes and fishing), Manufacturing (textiles, shipbuilding) |
Providence (Rhode Island) | 1636 | Disagreed with the theocracy being created in Rhode Island and was expelled | Roger Williams | Agriculture (meat, dairy,fishing), Manufacturing (Lumbering) |
Connecticut(Hartford, Wethersfield, Windsor) | 1636-1639 | Thomas Hooker left Massachusetts after being left out of leadership. He started his own colony in Connecticut. | Thomas Hooker | Agriculture (wheat, corn, fishing) |