Communication and the Arts
- Musician
- Artist
- Actor
- Dancer
- Choreographer
- Interior design
- Fashion designer
- Costume designer
- Set designer
- Writer
- Publisher
- Multimedia expert
- Reporter
- Curator
- Photographer
- Make-up artist
- Editor
- Producer
- Agent
- TV and radio announcer
Engineering, Industrial, and Scientific Technology
- Environmental planner
- Surveyor
- Software engineer
- Computer programmer
- Plumber
- Contractor
- Builder
- Miner
- Logger
- Landscape architect
- Aerospace engineer
- Inspector
- Machinist
- Mechanic
- Auto body technician
- Mason
- Electrician
- Electrical engineer
- Diagnostic technician
- Researcher
- Robotics expert
Human, Health and Public Services
- Home health-care worker
- Physician
- Educator
- Religious leader
- Child-care provider
- Psychologist
- Dentist
- Dental assistant
- Police officer
- Speech therapist
- Nurse
- Dietitian
- Veterinarian
- Emergency medical technician
- Physical therapist
- Caterer
- Restaurant worker
- Cosmetologist
- Hotel manager
Business and Marketing
- Purchasing agent
- Travel agent
- Store owner
- Advertiser
- Sales associate
- Market researcher
- Office manager
- Loan officer
- Stockbroker
- Accountant
- Economist
- Personal manager
- Systems analyst
- Meeting planner
- Buyer
- Image consultant