- Canada: Kanata: Indian word used by J. Cartier meaning the settlement (village) of a group of people
- Population of 31 million +
- 77% of its population lives in urban areas (cities)
- Average family size is 1.2 children
- 3% of Canada’s population are Aboriginals
- Capital city is Ottawa, found in Ontario
- 4/5ths of Canada’s population is Christian, with Roman Catholics the most common religion
- Our national sports are ice hockey and lacrosse
- Canada has 6 timezones, 7 landform regions, 6 climatic zones
- Mt. Logan, Yukon, is Canada’s highest peak at 6050 metres
- 5 Great Lakes (SHMOE): Superior, Huron, Michigan (completely in USA), Ontario, Erie
- 7.6% of Canada is covered by lakes
- Prime Minister: Stephen Harper
- Entered Confederation in 1867: Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick
- Newest territory: Nunavut, April 1, 1999 (least populated political division)
- Newest province: Newfoundland, 1949
- Own flag and anthem in 1965
- O Canada was declared in 1980
- Canada: ranked by the UN as the #1 place to live in the world for 6 consecutive years
- Hottest temperature: Saskatchewan, 45oC
- Coldest temperature: Yukon, -63oC
- Driest place: NWT (Arctic region)
- Wettest place: BC (most precipitation)
- The 401 is the widest highway in the world (20 lanes in places)
- Largest cities: 1. Toronto 2. Montreal 3. Calgary
- Largest fresh water island in the world: Manitoulin Island
- Longest Canadian river: Mackenzie
- Greatest river volume: St. Lawrence
- World’s second tallest free standing structure: CN Tower
- Largest shopping mall: West Edmonton Mall
- Largest landform region: Canadian Shield (50% of Canada)
- Highest population density: P.E.I.
- Largest political area: Nunavut
- Over ½ of Canadians own their home
- World’s major supplier of nickel
- Most southern city: Windsor, Ontario
- Greatest volume of falling water: Horseshoe Falls, Niagara
- Honeymoon capital of the world: Niagara Falls
- Major exports: automobiles and parts