• A small box containing short passages from the Torah and fastened to the doorpost is called a
  • Mezuzah


  • The Jewish Day of Atonement, the most sacred day of the Jewish year, is
  • Yom Kippur


  • ___ is the legendary patriarch (Book of Genesis) that the Israelites traced their lineage.
  • Abraham


  • The prophet who challenged King Ahaz was
  • Isaiah


  • A liberal rabbi of the first century c.e. was Rabbi
  • Hillel


  • Rabbinic debates about how the Torah should be applied are found in a 3rd century c.e. document called the
  • Mishnah


  • Solomon Schechter was a leader of ___ Judaism
  • Conservative


  • The Jewish scriptures are written in Hebrew and in
  • Aramaic


  • ___ is a movement that urges Jews to live in Israel.
  • Zionism


  • It is the __ __ that explains the commands of the written Torah.
  • Oral Torah


  • The Jewish movement of the 19th century that sought to modernize Judaism was the __ Movement
  • Reform


  • The celebration of love between men and women is found in the __ __ __
  • Song of Songs


  • The ___ were pious Jews of the first century c.e., who were intent on living purified lives apart from the present world.
  • Essenes


  • The Festival of Lights is associated with the ___ revolt
  • Maccabean


  • In Judaism a revered teacher and now an ordained interpreter of the Torah is called a
  • Rabbi


  • Rabbinic debates about how the Torah should be applied are found in a 3rd century c.e. document called the
  • Mishnah


  • ___ are two small wooden boxes that contain tiny scrolls and is worn by leather straps.
  • Tefillin


  • Because Jews believe that they have been chosen and set apart from other peoples by God, only they can worship God.


  • In 721 b.c.e. the northern tribes were conquered by the ___
  • Assyrians


  • ___ was the king who built the first temple of Jerusalem.
  • Solomon


  • The food laws of Judaism are called
  • Kashruth


  • The Hebrew prophet who defeated the Baal prophets was ___
  • Elijah


  • A document that was used in the formation of the Torah is called E because the author of authors of that document referred to the God of Israel as
  • Elohim


  • Emphasis on reason over revelation is called
  • Modernism


  • Solomon was the son of David and
  • Bathsheba


  • A sacred song used for divine worship is called a
  • Psalm


  • The most common term for Jewish Scriptures is the
  • Bible


  • In the Hebrew Bible, maturity emerges through
  • Suffering


  • The legal side of Judaism is called
  • Halakhah


  • The word ‘torah’ means divine ___ or guidance
  • Instruction


  • A male god of the Canaanites was
  • Baal


  • A famous Canaanite goddess was
  • Asherah


  • The only scriptures of Christianity prior to the second or third centuries c.e. was the
  • Septuagint


  • The books of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings were probably completed during the Babylonian Exile


  • With the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, the priests were replaced by the
  • Rabbis


  • Babylonian rabbis compiled a guide to the Torah that included the Mishnah is called the Babylonian
  • Talmud


  • A Jewish leader in the Zionist movement was
  • Theodor Herzl


  • Passages from the Writings that are read at the time of the five minor festivals of Judaism are collective called the
  • Megilloth


  • The ten northern tribes (Northern Kingdom/Israel) were conqured in _______ b.c.e.
  • 721


  • Which of the following are not found in the Greek Version of the Jewish Bible
  • 1 Enoch Assumption of Moses


  • The bread that is eaten at Passover is called
  • Matzah


  • The  ______  is dated between  1300 and 1200 b.c.e.
  • Exodus


  • One of the documents that were used to produced the Torah is called J because that document refers to the God of Israel as
  • Yahweh


  • ___ Judaism largedly adopted the historical-critical method.
  • Reform


  • Deuteronomy 6.4-9 is called the
  • Shema


  • A traditional commentary on scripture created by rabbis is called a
  • Midrash


  • Jewish tradition holds that the laws of the Torah were introduced to the Hebrews by
  • Moses


  • The Dutch Jewish philosopher who introduced the historical critical method to Judaism was
  • Baruch Spinoza


  • The Festival or Feast of Lights is also known as
  • Hanukkah


  • The ________ tradition developed from Latin roots and influenced northern Spain, France and Germany.


  • Because he had murdered an Egyptian, Moses fled to
  • Midian


  • Which of the following belong to the Former Prophets
  • Joshua
  • 1 and 2 Kings


  • The scholar who held that the Torah is a reliable historical document was
  • Yehezkel Kaufmann


  • The best known text of Kabbalah is the
  • Zohar


  • A wooden chest that contained the stone tablets was the
  • Ark of the Covenant


  • The books of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings were probably completed during the
  • Babylonian Exile


  • Contemporary Judaism has divided into four movements, the most conservative is called _____ Judaism.
  • Orthodox


  • The first division of the Hebrew Bible is the
  • Torah


  • Passages from the Prophets that are read during worship services are called the
  • Haftorah


  • ___ taught that only in relationship with God can persons become fully human.
  • Martin Buber


  • The concept of “Messiah,” is a nonbiblical tradition in Judaism.
  • True


  • All Jews, throughout the entire history of Judaism, belived in resurrection from the dead.
  • False


  • According to Judaism, no one can atone for his or her sins, thus the need for the coming of the Messiah.
  • False


  • Traditionally Judaism has found numerous references and prophecies concerning the Messiah in the books of the prophets.
  • False


  • Which one of the following is not a characteristic of Covenant Nomism.
  • Salvation through obedience to the Torah


  • The traditional Jewish concept of resurrection holds that the righteous will be raised from the dead and will dwell in heaven.
  • False
  • One of these is not a characteristic of the Sadducees.
  • Messiah


  • Jewish and Christian translations of the books of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible are actually identical.
  • False
  • According to Biblical Judaisms, because it is impossible to obey all the laws of the Torah, God created rites of atonement.
  • True


  • Biblical Judaisms believed in the existence of one god, but also in the existence of other powerful beings.
  • True


  • One of these is not a characteristic of sectarian Judaisms.
  • one must believe in the Messiah in order to be saved.



  • Belief in the Kingdom of God was rejected by the Pharisees who also did not believe in the coming of the Messiah.
  • False


  • According to Judaism, only the Prophet Isaiah speaks of the coming of the Messiah (Isaiah 7:14).
  • False


  • Cyrus the Great is actually called a messiah in the Book of Isaiah
  • True


  • Judaism appeared for the first time at the end of the
  • Babylonian Exile
  • Originally the God of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, was originally only the god of the Israelites.
  • True



  • Matching


  • Babyonian Exile : 586.587 b.c.e. – 538 b.c.e.
  • Religion of the Israelites prior to the Babylonian Exile : Yahwehism
  • The only book of the Bible that existed prior to the Exile : Deuteronomy
  • First five books of the Bible : 428 b.c.e.
  • Jerusalem Temple rebuilt : 515 b.c.e.
  • Collection of the Books of the Prophets` : 190 b.c.e.
  • Book of Daniel : 167 b.c.e.
  • The Jews most closely associated with the synagogue were the Essenes.
  • False


  • Some Jews believed in the return of Moses, Elijah or Jeremiah rather than the Messiah to usher in the Kingdom of God.
  • True


  • Biblical Judaism(s) never looked like other religions of antiquity.
  • False
  • One of these is not a form of apocalyptic Judaism.
  • Hasmoneans


  • One of the peculiarities of Biblical Judaisms was that, unlike other religions and gods of antiquity, it had only one ________.
  • Temple


  • According to Judaism, a righteous person is one who has sinned but has sought God’s forgiveness.
  • True


  • The only known Jewish groups that believed in resurrection from the dead were the Pharisees and the followers of Jesus.
  • True


  • According to all forms of Judaism, one obeys the laws of the Torah in order to be saved.
  • False


  • Cyrus the Great is actually called a messiah in the Book of Isaiah
  • Messiah
  • Unlike other religions of antiquity, Biblical Judaism rejected animal sacrifices.
  • False


  • Judaism dates back to Moses.
  • False


  • The first five books of the Bible (Torah) appears for the first time around the year ______ b.c.e.
  • 428


  • Traditionally Judaism has found numerous references and prophecies concerning the Messiah in the books of the prophets.
  • False


  • Like Christianity, Judaism awaits the second coming of the Messiah.
  • False


  • Biblical Judaism, like Israelite religion, was henotheistic.
  • False


  • The Jerusalem temple was rebuilt in the year
  • 515 b.c.e.


  • Scholars refer to the basic foundation of all forms of Biblical Judaism as
  • Covenantal nomism


  • Because of Judaism’s belief in monotheism, it has sought converts and thus had a history of missionary work.
  • False


  • According to Biblical Judaisms, because it is impossible to obey all the laws of the Torah, God created rites of atonement.
  • True
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William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team)
William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2024 | Creative Commons 4.0

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