Facts and Stats
- Rohypnol is used by people of all socioeconomic classes
- This drug is generally used by men of all classes to put into the drinks of women at bars “DATE RAPE”
- When consumed, women do not remember anything and they are at the disposal of the male, be it a homeless person or a multi-millionaire
- In 1995, there were 1000 people using Rohypnol in the United States
- Rohypnol is most commonly used in the US, Australia, the UK, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Germany, and Japan
- The major age group for Rohypnol is between 18-20(the college-age), and between the ages of 35-44
Short and Long-Term Effects
- Rohypnol has several short-term effects
- Rohypnol creates a relaxed, sleepy, and drunk feeling that lasts for 2-8 hours
- Other short term effects may include blackouts, with a complete loss of memory, dizziness, nausea, difficulty with motor movements, and speaking
- The long term effects of Rohypnol are that it can produce physical and psychological dependence
- It also can cause:
- Irritability
- Vivid or disturbing dreams
- Nausea
- Headache
- Skin rash
- Impaired sexual functioning
- Menstrual irregularities
- Tremors
- Loss of appetite or increased appetite
Chemical Make-up
- Rohypnol is made up of:
- Carbon
- Helium
- Fluorine
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
Social Problems & Costs
- Rohypnol is not seen as that addictive
- As stated earlier, it is more commonly used by males, to sneak into the drink of a female or male; “Date Rape Drug”
- However, after a female comes off the high of the drug, she may suffer through physical and psychological dependence
- Although most males do use the drug to rape women, there are a small amount of males who use the drug because of an addiction
- In countries like the US and Canada, Rohypnol costs anywhere between 2-5 dollars per dosage unit.
- In Europe, the drug costs about $20 per dosage unit
- In some of the major drug dealing areas of Latin America, the drug can cost as much as $30 per dosage unit.
Signs and Symptoms
- When someone has a relaxed, sleepy, and somewhat drunk appearance for longer than usual than they may have to take Rohypnol
- People who have taken Rohypnol also experience blackouts, complete loss of memory, and severe dizziness.
- A woman, who took the drug against her will, could be suffering from severe depression
- Women may also be suffering from menstrual irregularities and may have impaired sexual functioning
Thanks, I am doing a presentation on Rohypnol, and this helped a lot.
I want drug statistics on Rohypnol do you know where I can find them?
Thanks for the info! You have no idea how much you helped me out with this (had to make powerpoint of info about roofies) :b
Wow……thank you for the info…..I needed for my school project…..thanks again