Art Review: Terms & Definitions

Elements – colour, texture, shape/form, line, space, value/tone. Principles – repetition, radial balance, rhythm, movement, contrast, unity/harmony, proportion, variety, asymmetrical balance, symmetrical balance, Texture – refers to the look or feel of a surface. Contrast/Emphasis – differences between elements (size, colour, shape). Unity/Harmony – similarities between at least one of the elements. Line – begins…

Glory (1989) Movie: Summary and Review

Glory captures the heroism of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw and the first black regiment in the Civil War, the Massachusetts “Fighting” Fifty-fourth.  An extremely talented cast and crew earned three Academy Awards (cinematography, sound and supporting actor) and five nominations for their work in Glory.  The outstanding cinematography, sound, score and acting recreate the events…

Katharine Graham- Personal History: Summary & Review

The author of this autobiography is the former publisher and CEO of The Washington Post, a newspaper with a tremendous spread throughout the United States and beyond.  The extensive autobiography titled simply Personal History, tells about the lives of her lineage (grandparents and parents) and how they influenced the outcome of her life.  Obviously no…

Satyajit Ray’s Ghare Baire (The Home and the World): Summary & Review

The construction of a national political community in India has always been undermined by the absence of homogenous social foundations within its separate nation states.  “Public identity” has never ceased to be polysemous; this plurality is grounded in religion, ethnicity, caste, language, gender, and culture. Partha Chatterjee defines “inner” and “outer” as a separation of…