Daniel Levinson’s Seasons of Man: Summary & Analysis

In May of 1977, Daniel Levinson constructed a model of the seasons of a man’s life.  His developmental theory consists of universal stages or phases that extend from the infancy state to the elderly state.  Most development theories, such as Freud’s psychosexual development theory or Piaget’s cognitive development theory, end in the adolescent stage of…

The Sedition Act of 1798: Summary & Analysis

For the first few years of Constitutional government, under the leadership of George Washington, there was a unity, commonly called Federalism that even James Madison (the future architect of the Republican Party) acknowledged in describing the Republican form of government– “And according to the degree of pleasure and pride we feel in being republicans, ought…

Anthony Arblaster’s Viva la Liberta!: Politics in Opera: Summary & Analysis

Viva la Liberta! – Politics in Opera by Anthony Arblaster is published by Verso in 1992 in London, Great Britain. It was the book’s first edition and publication. The book contains 340 pages of text, no illustrations, and includes a tables of contents, nine main chapters, conclusion, notes and and an index. The chapters start…

Kim Todd’s Tinkering with Eden: Summary & Analysis

Tinkering with Eden by Kim Todd was more history-oriented than biology-oriented but interesting and educational nonetheless.  Ms. Todd received a Bachelor’s Degree from Yale University and went on to receive her Master’s Degree from the University of Montana.  She remains living in Montana today.  Giving the background of how various outlandish species found their way…