Essay: Herodotus and Aristotle’s Insight on Human Happiness

Everyone strives toward a place in their life in which they feel satisfied with what they are accomplishing.  Whether people are striving for excellence in academics, finances, morality, etc., they desire to reach a level of success that pleases them.  Most would say that this success defines their happiness in their lives. Throughout the course…

Globalization and Abuse of human rights

The notion of world integration has been much appraised as advancing the human rights situation worldwide considering the fact that globalization has resulted in the formation of international human rights bodies such as the united nation and international criminal court, whereas UNICEF watches the human rights of children, international cooperation has resulted in the formulation…

How Stereotypes may Arise and Affect Human Behavior

The term “stereotype” holds many definitions. While Aronson et al. state that “stereotypes are widely held evaluative generalizations about a group of people”, the definition from Augoustinos et al. is that “a stereotype is a schema, with all the properties of schemas”. As one can tell from these definitions, a stereotype can be seen as…

Quote Analysis: The unexamined life is not worth living

Socrates believed that living a life where you live under the rules of others, in a continuous routine without examining what you actually want out of it is not worth living. This illustration of a lifestyle is what Socrates would describe an unexamined life. Hence Socrates’ renowned statement “The unexamined life is not worth living”.…

Psychological Testing: Construction, Administration, Validity

PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING: Psychological testing is the branch of psychology in which we use standardized tests, construct them in order to understand individual differences. Psychological testing is a term that refers to the use of psychological tests. It refers to all the possible uses, applications, and underlying concepts of psychological tests. TEST: Test is defined as…

Essay: Canada’s Past and Present Discrimination Towards its Indigenous Peoples

Canada ­ as a nation we are known to the world for being kind, polite, and generally very accepting of all ethnicities. However, the treatment of Canada’s Indigenous population seems to suggest otherwise (Paquin, 2015). Throughout our history, we have shown undeniable amounts of discrimination towards Indigenous peoples. This, and more, has led to major…

Kierkegaard and Johannes de silentio’s Religious Stages

Søren Kierkegaard, famously known as a ‘knight of faith’, was a religious author who later donned the title of the first existentialist philosopher in history. Furthermore, faith and religion played large roles in outlining many of his works and life. In his work, Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard outlined the three stages of life: the aesthetic,…

Psychology: Survey Method & Naturalistic Observation

SURVEY METHOD The survey method involves handing out questionnaires to try to get an idea to establish people’s attitude, beliefs and behavior. You have a population of interest; who you are interested in surveying. E.g. You want to study Canadian teenagers about their attitude on the legalization of marijuana Ideally, you would give a survey…

Enlightenment Philosophers: Political & Social Views

Jean-Jacques Rousseau General Information Jean Jacques Rousseau, was born at Geneva on June 28th, 1712. He was an influential Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of 18th-century Romanticism. His political philosophy deeply influenced the major revolutions like the French Revolution and the American Revolution. Political and Social Views He was and is a national hero to…