Edmund Burke & The Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)

Edmund Burke, an Anglo-Irish political thinker, and philosopher was the chief framer of conservatism.  His most influential work, Reflections on the Revolution in France, opposed the core values of his contemporary revolutionaries and predicted that the French Revolution would cause anarchy and bring about terror. Reflections, published in 1790, was written in the wake of…

The French Constitution & Directory: 1795–1799

The New National Convention National Convention after Robespierre was much more conservative than before – entrenched values of moderate middle class -> drastic change for once-powerful groups like sans-culottes and Jacobins who were forced underground (‘sans-culottes’ even became a derisive term) French economy struggled during winter of 1794–1795, with widespread hunger Convention worked hard to…

French Revolution: Summary of Events

Feudalism and Unfair Taxation No one factor was directly responsible for French Revolution Feudal oppression and fiscal mismanagement contributed to a France on verge of revolt Number of financial advisors reviewed weakened French treasury with same conclusion à France needed a radical change in tax system Charles de Calonne suggested that France begin taxing previously…