The Palestinian Problem: YASSER ARAFAT, War in Lebanon, Palestinian Intifada

YASSER  ARAFAT He was born on 24 August 1929 in Cairo, Died in 2004. In 1958 Arafat and his friends founded Al-Fatah, an underground network of secret cells, which in 1959 began to publish a magazine advocating armed struggle against Israel. At the end of 1964 Arafat became a full-time revolutionary, organising Fatah raids into…

The Suez Crisis (1956): Gamal Abdul Nasser & Arab-Israeli War 1967

Leadership of Gamal Abdul Nasser, President of Egypt from 1954 to 1970 Biography Was part of the Free Officers, a group of Egyptian officers plotting to overthrow the Egyptian government (early 1950s) July 1952, he helped overthrow the unpopular government In 1954, Nasser became President: his goal was to give Egypt true sovereignty by freeing…

Korean Wars: Historical Context, Events, Key Figures

Russo-Japanese War in 1904-1905 Japanese established authority over Korean peninsula Koreans fought for independence but the Western blocs did not intervene until the outbreak of war in the Pacific during WWII in 1941 Cairo Conference 1943 – Roosevelt, Churchill and Chiang Kai-노다 declared support to remove the Japanese from Korea “three great powers, mindful of…

Nikita Khrushchev: Cuban Missile Crisis & De-Stalinization

Collective Leadership 1953 After Stalin’s death, the party leaders wanted collective control so that no single leader could again dominate party and government. Following his death in March 1953, the collective leadership that emerged was made up of Malenkov (Soviet Premier), Molotov (Foreign Secretary), Bulganin (Deputy Premier), and Khrushchev (Party Secretary). The immediate problem they…

Battle of Dieppe & Operation Rutter & Operation Jubilee

Location: French Port of Dieppe (northern coast of France) Date: August 19, 1942 Nations involved: USA, Britain, Canada vs. Germany Key Figures: British Chief of Combined Operations – Louis Mountbatten, Canadian Major-General J.H. Roberts, German General Field Marshal– Gerd von Rundstedt Objectives: Allies wanted to test amphibious techniques and gather data on coastal defenses and…

Revolutionary Europe by James D. White Summary

The Roots if the Revolution: The Nationalities. The Russian Empire was “an unwieldy conglomeration of territories inhabited by a nationally variegated population…” (pg 174) By 1914, Russia was composed of 148.4 million people. 43.4% were Russians, 17.5% Ukrainians, 10.6% Turkish speaking people. Some people such as the Fins, Poles and the Jews had a strong…

New England Colonies

Name of Colony Date Founded Reason For Colony’s Establishment Founder Primary Economic Base Plymouth (Massachusetts) 1620 Separatists who desired to remain separate from the Anglican Church went to Plymouth William Bradford Agriculture(fishing, corn), Manufacturing (lumbering, shipbuilding) Salem (Massachusetts) 1630 English society was corrupt and as many people needed to be evacuated as possible John Winthrop…

Original Middle American Colonies

Name of Colony Date Founded Reason For Colony’s Establishment Founder Primary Economic Base New Jersey(New Netherlands) 1623 by Dutch, 1664 by English Originally settled by Dutch in 1623. Taken over by British. Proprietary grant made by Duke of York to George Carteret and Lord Berkeley English Colonists Manufacturing (ironworking, lumbering) New York (New Amsterdam) 1624…

Karl Marx & Freidrich Engels: Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels were leading Prussian political theorists who developed Communism in the mid-19th century. Their most famous work, The Communist Manifesto was produced for the Communist League in 1848 in Brussels after Marx had been expelled from Prussia and France for his radical leftist beliefs. The Communist Manifesto argues that class struggles…

Greek Drama: Tragedy, Comedy, Playwrights

Origins of Tragedy Annual spring festival of the gods Dionysus, called the Great or City of Dionysia to distinguish between the lesser rural festivities for Dionysus Tragedy came into existence simultaneously with gradual transforming of Athens into democracy Arrangements of the festival lay in the hands of eponymous archon and choregoi, wealthy citizens were required…