Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life

Darwin’s Five Observations More young are produced than survive Individuals vary in their characteristics Some characteristics are better than others These characteristics are inheritable Long periods of time are available Darwin’s Two Major Points Many species of organisms presently inhabiting the earth are descendants of ancestral species that were different from modern species The mechanism…

What is Dehydration? Causes, Treatment

Dehydration is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that is caused by the lack of water needed for the body to function well. If not treated, dehydration can cause high body temperature, sleepiness, visual snow, dizziness, unconsciousness, hypotension (decreased blood pressure), headaches, nausea, paresthesia (limbs tingling), shriveled and wrinkled skin, dim vision, incapability to urinate,…

Community Ecology: Predation, Mimicry, Competition

Community: A group of species that occupy a given area, interacting either directly or indirectly Predation Consumption of one organism by another organism Predator-prey population oscillations Predators and prey are agents of natural selection for each other defense or attack strategies camouflage aposematic colouration Mimicry Batesian: One species is harmful the other is non-harmful Non-harmful…

Organic Compounds and their effects on the Water Systems

As millions of tons of organic compounds find their way into the water systems of the world, the environmental problems that result are colossal.  This negligence might not affect the environment directly, but they have long-term effects. Some of these problems include: Heavy metal accumulates in lakes and ponds nearby industry, and this build-up is…