Lipids and Biological Membranes

All cells are enclosed by a membrane composed of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. Eucaryotic cells also have internal membranes that divide the cell into different compartments. Biological membranes have several important functions, including: They separate the contents of a cell or organelle from the surrounding environment. They control import and export of molecules (e.g., nutrients,…

Cellular Organelles & Structures

Organelle Structure Function Nucleus -classified as eukaryotic or prokaryotic depending on whether or not it has a membrane bound-Heredity or genetic information is organized into threadlike structures called chromosomes.-contains DNA-composed of nucleic acids and proteins – control centre of the cell – directs all cell activity-directs other cell activities. Cell Membrane -composed of proteins and…

Pesticides & Naled: Environmental Impact, Legislation, Costs

With environmentalists constantly searching for a safer insecticide to deal with those pesky mosquitoes, naled has often been the choice for many. Having been registered for use since 1959 in the United States, about one million pounds of the organophosphate pesticide have been used every year with seventy percent used towards mosquito control. Primarily produced…

Major Hormones: Origin, Target, Function

HORMONE GLAND ORIGIN TARGET TISSUE FUNCTION Adrenocorticotropic Pituitary gland (anterior) Adrenal cortex Triggers secretion of hydrocortisone from the adrenal gland Growth hormone Pituitary gland (anterior) Throughout body Stimulates growth and development Follicle-stimulating hormone Pituitary gland (anterior) Sex glands Stimulates female egg maturation and male sperm production Luteinizing hormone Pituitary gland (anterior) Sex glands Stimulates female…

DDT: Properties, Uses, WHMIS

Common Names: Anofex, Cesarex, Chlorophenothane, Dedelo, p, p’-DDT, Dinocide, Didimac, Digmar, ENT 1506, Genitox, Guesapon, Guesarol, Gexarex, Gyron, Hildit, Ixodex, Kopsol, Neocid, OMS 16, Micro DDT 75, Pentachlorin, Rukseam, R50 and Zerdane. Physical Properties of DDT – Created by the reaction of trichloroethanol with chlorobenzene – Stable, Nonflammable, Combustible molecule – Able to perform substitution…