The Inheritance of Difference: Eukaryotes & Prokaryotes

Inheritance of Different in Prokaryotes Mutations arise, move from donors to recipients, incorporated to recipients through recombination Transposition: some genes are mobile and can be transferred to another site, and then another host Transformation: the conversion of the heredity type of a cell by the uptake of DNA released by the breakdown of another cell…

Heat of Reaction for the Formation of Magnesium Oxide Lab Answers

Planning A: Refer to lab handout entitled, Heat of Reaction for the Formation of Magnesium Oxide. Planning B: Refer to lab handout entitled, of Reaction for the Formation of Magnesium Oxide. Data Collection: Quantitative Table I: Compound Trial Mass±0.001g Volume of HCl±0.5mL Temperature of HCl±0.5°C Time (seconds) Temperature of solution±0.5°C MgO 1 1.020 100.0 21.0…

How to Detection Alcohol in Breath, Blood & Urine

Breathalyzer – Alcohol testing devices The Breathalyzer device contains: A system to sample one’s breath and Two glass vials containing the chemical reaction mixture.  A system of photocells connected to a meter measure the color change associated with the chemical reaction. To measure alcohol, a person breathes into the device. The breath sample is bubbled…

Physical Geology & Plate Tectonics

Geology (study of Earth) is important for energy and natural resources, solving environmental problems, building cities and highways, predicting and protecting against natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, floods Uniformitarianism: fundamental principle “the present is the key to the past” How long? geologic time is measured in billions of years Where and How? After…

Igneous Rocks: Formation, Composition, Naming

Igneous rocks crystallize from molten silicate material called magma that forms at high temperatures and pressures deep in the Earth. Magma rises through the crust and either reaches the surface by volcanoes (extrusive) or cools below surface (intrusive). How Magmas Evolve – according to Bowen’s Reaction Series: discontinuous (different molecular structures of olivine [single tetrahedra],…

Minerals: Silicates, Carbonates, Ores

Minerals are solid chemical compounds that combine to form rocks. They are found in nature and vary in atomic bonding, molecular structure, and element composition, all of which determine their chemical, physical properties and permit their identification. ‑ An infinite number of chemical combinations are possible and almost 4000 natural minerals are known; however, only…